Here's what we're about:
We are an organization based on restorative justice and restorative values. We seek to support system impacted people and those who have experienced harm so we can heal collectively. Our goal is to promote healthy communication, accountability, humanity, and compassion. While recognizing specific harms we also recognize the cultural, historical, racial, economic, gendered, systemic, etc. factors which lead to violence. With that in mind we take a holistic approach in order to create meaningful change that all of us are both responsible for and can benefit from.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
In our CIRCLES...
Our circles are meant for community building and support. We might share a meal, do a little emotional processing, play a game, address life goals or challenges, or catch up with friends and people who've shared similar experiences. We foster a space free of judgment with the aim of lifting each other up. This space is intended for both emotional and logistical support. If you are wanting assistance, all you have to do is ask. The idea is that there will likely be someone who has been through the same or similar situation that can help provide their knowledge and experience. While there are no guarantees - there will be people keeping your needs in mind going forward and you never know what might come of that. System-impacted people and allies are welcome.